The Simplicity of Magic

The Simplicity of Magic

I would like to speak briefly to the magic of simplicity and the simplicity of magic. There is magic in connecting, in laughing , in crying and in sharing our stories. There is magic in hugs and closeness, in starting up again from where you left off as if there was...
Magical Self Care

Magical Self Care

Self care, I know, I know, this seems to be a VERY yakked about topic these days but I’m gonna talk about it anyway but perhaps in a slightly different sense. MAGICAL self care… I don’t mean taking care of yourself magically (though that sounds yummy too!) but...
Holding the Space

Holding the Space

Holding the Space…what does it mean to you? We do this all the time without even thinking about it or acknowledging the fact that we are being completely present for another. When someone is thrilled with excitement for the blessings and new opportunities that...
The Magic of Bees

The Magic of Bees

Bees are associated with magic, good luck, health, and prosperity. Honey in itself is a magical gift, it never spoils and has numerous health benefits. And the beeswax used to make candles burn with almost no smoke or scent and clean the air by releasing negative ions...